Jacob's Trouble Signpost

Question: What are the signs that the End Times are near according to Bible prophecy?  How close are we to this time?


Very hard to tell at the moment, signs are strong, but there are some factors yet to be in place IMO!

Jesus tells us to “watch” in Matt. 24, and recommends the point to see clearly, as Daniel’s comment in Dan.12:11!

It is said by some Bible teachers that has already happened; but that is not so, because the event of the Romans sacrificing a Pig in the Temple of God, not long before the destruction of the Temple, did not have the events prophesied prior to that, such as the Two witnesses of God, (who cannot be killed for 3½ years), after which they are raised again to Life and called up into Heaven!

So; Matt 24 in all its detail shows that we are in times that lead up to “The Time” when the Jews are commanded by the “Anti-Christ” to “worship him as their god” (Dan.12:11), which they refuse to do; and for which they then enter the time known as “Jacob’s Trouble”!

So, we see from the above that Israel is the “SIGHNPOST” for the world to watch, re. accurate timing!

See: Jacob's Trouble  (Study)


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